The Next Free Workshop Is On: TBD

“I have been going to many intro classes and most of them are warm up games. This class goes deeper into the roots of improv. Paul is an awesome teacher, he goes deep with the characters, I was surprised with what I was able to do when following his instructions. Really, really enjoyed it.” - Pili Duenas

What is improv?
Often confused with stand up comedy, improv is improvised comedic sketches.

Life is all about not knowing what to do, and doing something anyway. That’s exactly what improv is. This intro class will teach you that embracing the awkwardness of not knowing and celebrating failures results in not only the best comedy, but also the best life results. In this no pressure free intro class, you’ll discover what makes us unique from other San Diego improv classes. Our objective is to get you to yearn to play and live outside of your hard-wired self-defeating thoughts you have been brought up to believe. You’ll learn to turn off your monkey mind. You don’t have to be an actor, or even be funny, in order to improvise. Your personal life story you bring to improv is enough! We’ll play some easy group exercises to introduce you to the magical spirit of improv, and we promise a fun and comfortable experience. We’ll explore what makes a strong comedic Character, and you might even leave with a fun Character in your back pocket to use for later!  You’ll definitely come away with a new perspective on how to express yourself creatively!

Whether your goal is to perform improv for an audience, or you desire to interact with the world and others in a more dynamic, humorous and attentive manner, or to gain more confidence in your personal comedic voice, or help your writing and/or performing toolbox, this is the San Diego improv class for you to discover how the magic of improv will help you!

There is no obligation to enroll in our Complete Improv Program classes by taking this free workshop.